Serviced Apartments
Serviced Apartments

What are the benefits of using serviced apartments as a type of security investment?

Investigating the Advantages of Serviced Apartments as a Security Investment

Serviced apartments, also known as extended stay or serviced accommodation, are becoming an increasingly popular choice for property investors looking for a secure and stable investment option. These types of properties offer a range of benefits over traditional residential properties, making them a great choice for those looking to diversify their investment portfolio.

One of the primary advantages of serviced apartments as a security investment is their consistent rental income. These properties are typically leased out on a short-term basis to business travelers and tourists, providing a steady stream of income for the investor. Additionally, serviced apartments often have higher rental yields than traditional residential properties, making them a more profitable investment option.

Another benefit of serviced apartments is their lower vacancy rates. These properties are in high demand because of their location and amenities, such as on-site facilities like gyms and swimming pools, which attract tenants. This means that serviced apartments are less likely to experience long periods of vacancy, reducing the risk for the investor.

Mortgage Street’s Tolerant products accept serviced apartments as a security type with minimum living area of 50sqm, making it easy for investors to access funding for their investment. For more information on serviced apartments as a security investment and to find out how to access funding, speak to one of Mortgage Street’s accredited mortgage brokers. They can provide expert advice and guide you through the process of investing in serviced apartments.

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